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Posts filed under: Articles

Space travel, it’s the future. We’ve been hearing about it for decades. But with NASA’s commitment to a mission to Mars by 2030, Elon Musk’s Space X company single-handedly reigniting the excitement of building better rockets, and the International Space...
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Halloween is nearly here! Time to get the decorations out, purchase the candy, and assemble your costume. For some, the devil is in the details and colored or decorative contact lenses can give that finishing touch to their costume. But...
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We have a lot of blog posts here at All About Eyes that mention and/or encourage our visitors to get a comprehensive eye exam. So we thought we take this opportunity to talk about what it is and why it’s...
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For our Spanish-speaking patients, we’re providing a link to articles in Spanish about common eye conditions at AllAboutVision.com. This site provides information about the following conditions: Astigmatismo  Blefaritis Cataratas Chalación (Chalazión) Cirugía de cataratas Conjuntivitis Cuerpos flotantes, destellos y puntos...
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The staff at All About Eyes wish all our clients, readers, and friends a Happy New Year! To start the new year off with some fun, we decided to get musical and asked each of our staff members what their...
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Did you know you can help protect your vision with the foods you eat? By making the right choices at mealtime, you can maintain healthy eyesight. From berries to broccoli to wild salmon, there are thirteen foods that can reduce...
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Pink eye is a very common, easily treatable condition that causes the thin covering of the eye and/or the inside of the eyelid to become red and inflamed. If you wear contacts and suspect you have pink eye, you should...
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Cataracts occur when the protein in a person’s eyes clumps together, causing a cloudy area on the lens of the eye. A cataract may occur in one or both eyes, at the back, center, or edge of the lens. Cataracts...
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Color blindness is an inherited condition that affects the way your eyes distinguish certain colors. Color blindness does not mean you are blind, nor does it mean that you see in black and white. It means that you can’t see...
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