Good News: Childhood Myopia and Contact Lenses Update

When COVID hit in 2020, few could predict the outcomes that pandemic would have on the general population, not to mention the effect the lockdowns had on children’s eyesight from hours of on-line computer learning, cell phones, and tablet usage — all of which led to a marked increase in myopia rates worldwide. Myopia, or…

Side Effects of Weight-Loss Drugs on the Eyes

For many adults, New Year’s resolutions usually include losing those pesky ten, twenty, or more pounds that refuse to budge by joining a gym and going on a calorie-restrictive diet. With the introduction of semaglutide — a weight-loss drug for managing type-2 diabetes and obesity such as Ozempic or Wegovy — that goal can seem…

Saccades and the Role of Eye Movements on Overall Health

Romantics say that the eyes are windows into the soul. Over time, researchers have come to learn this to be true on another level: the eyes are windows into the health of the body. And more recently, they’ve added ears to that equation as well! While not very romantic, that scientists are tapping into our…

Autumn Styes: Causes and Remedies

As the crisp autumn air rolls in, many of us welcome sweater weather and falling leaves. However, the season’s environmental changes can also lead to some less-than-pleasant surprises, like eye styes. These small, painful lumps near the edge of your eyelid can develop because of blocked oil glands, often exacerbated by autumn’s unique conditions. Why…

Melatonin Supplements and Macular Degeneration: What the Latest Research Reveals

Melatonin, a hormone naturally produced by the pineal gland, is best known for regulating sleep-wake cycles. However, in recent years, it has also gained attention for its potential antioxidant properties, which may influence eye health, specifically in relation to macular degeneration (MD). Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the leading causes of blindness in…

New Product Alert: SwissFlex

All About Eyes is pleased to announce that are the only certified dealer in New Jersey for SwissFlex, a high-end and completely customizable brand of lightweight eyeglass frames. Established in 1996, and based in Switzerland, the company is known for their precision engineering, making eyewear that is both durable and comfortable to wear. What’s So…