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Posts filed under: Articles

When COVID hit in 2020, few could predict the outcomes that pandemic would have on the general population, not to mention the effect the lockdowns had on children’s eyesight from hours of on-line computer learning, cell phones, and tablet usage...
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For many adults, New Year’s resolutions usually include losing those pesky ten, twenty, or more pounds that refuse to budge by joining a gym and going on a calorie-restrictive diet. With the introduction of semaglutide — a weight-loss drug for...
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Romantics say that the eyes are windows into the soul. Over time, researchers have come to learn this to be true on another level: the eyes are windows into the health of the body. And more recently, they’ve added ears...
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Eye Shadow, eye liners, mascara, false eyelashes, anti-aging creams, extensions — the list goes on for products that we utilize to enhance our appearance of our eyes. And while these can all propel a sense of well-being, many of these...
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October is Down Syndrome Awareness month. With over 50% of people with Down Syndrome having some sort of refractive error (see our post from 2019 to learn more) getting properly diagnosed and fitted for glasses is very important. For individuals with...
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Working with eyes to care for and help restore vision is a rewarding career. Here’s what Dr. Cheryl Roell had to say about why she and her husband, Dr. Dave Roell—the optometrists at All About Eyes—chose this career path: “I...
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September is Healthy Aging Month! We all age — it’s unavoidable — so making sure that your body and mind are in the best shape they can be will go a long way toward living a healthy life throughout all...
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On Monday, June 27, we celebrate National Sunglasses Day! On this day, we hope to instill a bit of fun while we draw attention to why sunglasses are an important health accessory — not just a fashion accessory. This year,...
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April is Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month, and this year, the focus is on the various diseases and conditions that tend to affect women more so than men. Some of this is due to age-related biological factors such as...
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We’ve all experienced watery eyes from time-to-time, whether from laughing too hard, chopping onions, or getting hit with wind head on. Excessive tear production, while a nuisance, can happen due to a variety of conditions, many of which we’ve written...
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