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3007 Ocean Heights Avenue #5, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234

Posts filed under: Eye Safety

You may realize the importance of eye safety when playing sports and understand the risks of eye injuries in children, but did you know that 125,000 eye injuries occur to adults and children each year due to accidents involving common household products?  Remarkably,...
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Did you know that every 13 minutes an emergency room treats an eye injury? Or that water and pool activities are the cause of more eye injuries than any other sport? Or that health club activities caused an estimated 1,278...
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Stop by our office for a chance to win a child’s pair of prescription eyeglasses + a back-to-school gift pack! Prevent Blindness, the nation’s leading volunteer eye health and safety organization dedicated to fighting blindness and saving sight, has declared...
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This month’s post about the importance of wearing sunglasses is written by a guest blogger from the vision insurance professionals at VSP and approved by Dr. Dave and Dr. Cheryl. Beyond being one of summer’s most trendy accessories, sunglasses are easily the...
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When you visit your optometrist for an annual eye exam, you are put through a variety of tests to check for any number of conditions related to your eyes: nearsightedness, farsightedness, glaucoma, color blindness, retinal detachment, and loss of peripheral...
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