School’s nearly in session! Time to set aside swimsuits, say goodbye to lazy days, and shop for back-to-school supplies. It’s also the time for annual physicals for many students to ensure they’re in the best condition for learning. But often overlooked, are comprehensive eye exams. According to a recent report by Prevent Blindness, the nation’s leading eye health nonprofit, a whopping 47% of U.S. children have not received a comprehensive eye exam. This statistic is particularly concerning when considering the correlation between good vision and academic success.
If getting a regular eye exam has not made it on your list of school prep, here are some behaviors your child may exhibit that show that you should:
- Rubs eyes repeatedly.
- Closes or covers one eye when looking at something.
- Head tilting.
- Holds objects close to eyes to see.
- Excessive blinking.
- Squints eyes or frowns.
Of course, your child may also tell you they feel dizzy after looking at things up close or may complain that their eyes are scratchy or things are blurry or hard to see. If you observe watery eyes, redness or swelling of the eyelids, or notice a stye, those are all times to meet with your eye-care professional.
You may think that a comprehensive eye exam isn’t necessary because vision screening is usually included in your child’s physical exam, but the reality is that while vision screening can pick up basic issues, a comprehensive exam is irreplaceable. Detecting and addressing eye issues early can lead to better academic performance and health. Leaving issues undetected can lead to permanent vision loss. So schedule an appointment today!