Color Blind TestColor blindness is an inherited condition that affects the way your eyes distinguish certain colors. Color blindness does not mean you are blind, nor does it mean that you see in black and white. It means that you can’t see two or more colors. The most common form of color blindness is red-green color deficiency, but a person can also experience blue-yellow color blindness.

Inherited color blindness is more prevalent in males than females. 8 percent of men experience color blindness while less than one percent of women do.

Degrees of color blindness can also be caused by certain diseases including Parkinson’s and cataracts. It can also be a side effect of epilepsy medication.


When you receive your annual eye exam or if you suspect you have a form of color blindness, your eye doctor will perform a simple visual test to diagnose the condition.


Except in the case of cataract surgery, there is no treatment for color blindness.  You can learn to enhance your color perception by enlisting help from friends and family who can point out colors of common objects. You can also memorize color patterns in traffic signals, signs, and food labels.

If you suspect you are color blind or have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease or cataracts, visit Dr. Dave or Dr. Cheryl for a comprehensive eye exam including a test for color blindness. Give us a call at 609-653-9933 to set up an appointment today.